The Baltimare Arcade is back! Located in Ballroom I on level 400, allow us to satisfy your gaming sweet tooth for the weekend with free play, gaming merchandise, and tournaments. A 3-Day Badge to BronyCon 2018 is up for grabs for the winner(s) of each tournament unless otherwise specified. All tournaments are run by the lovely people at Nexus Gaming Alliance.
Tournament Schedule
Pokémon Tournament Rules
Single Elimination 3v3 Participate in a Single Elimination tournament. Rules are simple, you lose, you are eliminated
Participants must have official Pokémon Sun/Moon cartridge or digital copy to participate.
Unsporting conduct is prohibited, always be courteous to your opponent at all times.
If your handheld device suffers any technical difficulties during a match, such as loss of power, you will be disqualified. Prevent this by making sure your device is fully charged.
Each participant is allowed to have 6 Pokémon in their party, but must select 3 of those Pokémon to use each battle.
Pokémon must be uniquely named: No two Pokémon on your team can share a name.
No two Pokémon can be the same species.
Pokémon on your team cannot be named as another Pokémon. Ex. A Zubat cannot be named Pikachu.
Variant Clauses
The following are popular variants that BronyCon is instating to use with their Pokémon 3v3 Tournament.
Self-KO clause: The player automatically loses if their last Pokémon uses Self-destruct or Explosion. Destiny Bond and Perish Song also fail when used by the last Pokémon.
Sleep clause: Each player can only have one Pokémon asleep at a time (Pokémon that are put to sleep due to Rest do not count).
One-hit KO clause: Fissure, Horn Drill, Guillotine, and Sheer Cold, are banned.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Restricted Pokémon & Items
Banned items: Pokémon cannot be holding a megastone.
Banned Pokémon: The following Pokémon are prohibited from use in the BronyCon Tournament:
Any Pokémon not obtainable, captured, or hatched in the Alola Region.
Pokémon obtained via the Island Scan are prohibited.
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