Sabrina Alberghetti
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Known to the MLP community as "Sibsy", Sabrina Alberghetti is a Sheridan College Animation artist orignally hailing from Ontario, Canada now living and working in Vancouver, BC. Ten years ago, she began her storyboarding career on Cartoon Network's "Ed, Edd n' Eddy" and has followed that up working on many other kid's shows such as, "Martha Speaks", "Kid Vs. Kat", "Pound Puppies", "Littlest Pet Shop" and "Transformers: Rescue Bots."
Sabrina has been storyboarding on MLP:FiM since season 1, and has also been involved in the comic industry, providing covers and art for many Disney/Pixar titles.
Those that know her, know her love of auto racing, ducks and her hatred of Toyota Corollas.
She is also dating MandoPony. So stop asking.