If someone's behavior makes you feel unwelcome, unsafe, or uncomfortable, that is harassment.
BronyCon does not allow harassment of any kind, including but not limited to behaviors such as: stalking, offensive comments, hate speech, bathroom policing, inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact, recording or taking pictures without permission, and repeatedly disrupting conversations you have been asked to leave. The aforementioned comments or hate speech could be in relation to: age, race or ethnicity, color, citizenship or national origin, relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or presentation, appearance, clothing, body size, pregnancy, disability, or religion. This list is not an exhaustive list.
Keep your hands to yourself. Respect your fellow attendees. Keep an eye on what you say to people and how you act around them. Take notice of people's preferences as displayed on color communication badges. Remember, cosplay is not consent: just because someone is in costume, it doesn't give you permission to take a picture or touch their costume. Ask first, and if they tell you no, respect that.
If you feel harassed or see someone else being harassed, notify a staff member immediately. You are also within your rights to ask the harasser to stop on your own. Once notified, BronyCon staff will take any action necessary to stop the behavior, up to and including badge revocation and expulsion from convention premises. We will also take steps to help you feel safe again at your request, such as escorting you to a place you feel safe, contacting your friends or family for you, or contacting Baltimore police.
This policy applies without exception to everyone at the convention, including attendees, panelists, vendors, guests, convention staff, and venue staff.