Born and raised in California, Jenn Blake studied to become a successful fashion designer. She gained 12 years experience in the profession, but wished to extend her knowledge of art and take it in a new direction. Jenn started work on comic/graphic novel characters and decided to combine that genre of work with a new love of hers; "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Shortly after she began her work with ponies, Jenn was approached by IDW Limited. The company's special release of "The Return of Queen Chrysallis" was in the works and they were seeking special artists to create original, hand drawn sketch cards to be released with the books. Jenn was one of only several artists chosen for the task.

This special project rocketed Jenn's career in the world of art and ponies forward including this summer’s “My Little Pony: Friends Forever #16” and a special subscription cover for Four Color Grails. Jenn will also be a contributing artist to Jeremy Whitley's Princeless Anthology, as well as the co creator with Jeremy on an upcoming new comic series.


Jenn doesn't have set autograph hours, but you can find her at the IDW Comic Team booth in the Marketplace!

See Jenn At

  • Specific guest schedule coming soon.
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